Live Blueprints Announced: SEO for the Newbie

So, you have built your web site and have no clue how to get loads of traffic. You know that you need to do some kind of search engine optimization but that is like Greek to you. You turn to the Internet and get baffled with the huge amount of tips, advice and black magic ideas. Who can you depend on? You feel dizzy…

If this is how you are feeling, try Live Blueprints. This is a bunch of SEO guides that are offered by Nancy Andrews, a smart lady who knows her stuff. She recently spoke on the Underground Seminar where Yanik Silver introduces people who have been quietly making tons of money marketing on the Internet though they do not have crazy popularity. She has got several top 10 ranking for new websites. She has sold more than 500 copies of her SEO guide and then stopped selling that.

She is relaunching her tutorials now and you might like to get on the announcement list quickly so that you can enjoy all the pre-launch training that she is providing free of cost. And you have no risk. Not even an obligation to order. Get on the Live Blueprints announcement list here.

Do it – really!