Perry Marshall Launches Bobsled Run: Extensive Adwords Coaching

Warning: Perry Marshall’s Bobsled Run is not for the weak-hearted!

You should take interest in Perry Marshall’s Adwords coaching only if you are interested to take your business to the next level and have a good product (or products) that can benefit from the extra targeted traffic. Also you should be able to invest in the training and the PPC campaigns to get any meaningful benefit.

If you can, then you can look forward to some extensive insights into getting highly targeted traffic, laser-focussed landing pages and opt-in and autoresponder process from the boss of Adwords advertising. You will be able to get intensive training in these areas:

  • Google AdWords campaigns
  • Google Analytics tracking
  • Google Site Optimizer for testing content
  • Refine and create new Opt-in pages and Sales Pages
  • The latest Email and Autoresponder strategies
  • Perry’s Max-Profit Pricing strategy

Curious? Check out the details of the Bobsled Run before it’s too late to join.