Sitesell Announces Graduation Gift Offer

Sitesell, developers of Site Build It (SBI) today announced that it has launched a Graduation Gift Special, wherein it offers a second SBI site for only $100 to anyone buying a SBI site till June 30th 2006.

SBI is an all-in-one site hosting, site building and site promotion service that allows the graduates to develop a web business in an area of their choice. They enjoy building their web site because they are passionate about their subject and build a decent income for life, without getting involved in all the techie stuff required for web site building and promotion.

Site Build has been proven to get excellent results for anyone willing to bring a little bit of domain knowledge in any subject to the table.

This graduation gifts’ special doubles up as an excellent gift on the Father’s day, being celebrated on June 18th this year. Gift an SBI site to your father and see him graduate to an independent life where he can pursue activities related to his passion.

See the details of the graduation gifts’ offer here.