Claim Your Exclusive Tag at

Social networking and tagging are the hottest trends in the present time. While there are hundreds or even thousands of entries under a tag in these sites, we have launched with a novel concept allowing a website owner to fully own a tag so that a click on the tag takes the visitor directly to the sponsoring website.

These links are direct links without the nofollow directive, allowing the client site to fully enjoy the search engine ranking benefit. We also made sure that there are less than 100 links on the page so that you can get proper SEO advantage from the link.

You don’t even need to have a website. Just claim a popular tag, then point it to an affiliate link to drive the traffic to your favorite merchants’ sites.

This website is remotely inspired by the concept of the ‘million dollar home page’ promoted by a British student but offers high quality text links arranged in a tag cloud like the ones on social bookmarking sites. The tags are randomly displayed and it is possible to highlight the tags with effects like bold, italics, color and mouseover text.

You should register your favorite tags quickly to avoid disappointment, as there are only 97 tags in total.