Online Wedding Planning Software Launched by Ebizindia

Ebizindia has launched an online wedding planning software for managing all aspects of the marriage planning. The software takes the headache out of the 1000s of activities that are involved in planning and managing a successful wedding.

This video explains a few things that the software manages for you:

[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Online Wedding Planning Software” modestbranding=”1″ autohide=”1″ rel=”0″]

Are you tracking the activities with a paper diary or Excel sheets? This is highly inefficient and puts the onus of all updates in your (already busy) hands. However the team based approach of WedPlan lets you delegate several activities to family members and friends who are helping you in managing the complex logistics exercise.

This leaves you with much lesser tension and more free time so that you can enjoy the wedding that is so close to your heart and passion!

You are arranging for the best event for your child’s marriage. Use the best event planning software to manage these arrangements.