Product Launch Blueprint: FREE PDF and Video

If you are launching a product (and you should, if you are not planning to yet), do not forget to download the Product Launch Blueprint (FREE PDF) and watch this video where Jeff Walker of Product Launch Formula reveals a simple, step by step plan that you can follow.

Frankly, you have to opt-in with your email address but that’s OK because if you do not like to receive any further emails from him, it is a 1-click unsubscribe. However if you are planning to launch a product online, you might consider joining his PLF 3 coaching program which will make you a master in the art of launching successful products.

Which way you go, quit or stick, you will learn a valuable lesson with the blueprint. Go for it!

P.S. There’s even a hidden “resources” section that Jeff must have snuck in at the last second – it doesn’t show up in the training video, but it’s in the actual Blueprint. And to remind you, there are no hidden sign-ups to continuity programs or any such junk. No payment required for the blueprint.