The Death of Adsense: Controversy and Anticipation

Scott Boulch has released an interesting report titled “The Death of Adsense“. He has strongly used the controversy element (who would like to believe Adsense is dead?) to gain eyeballs. He has made a strong case for site publishers and ‘made for adsense’ site owners to ditch Adsense and get on to another bandwagon.

What is he trying to sell? This will be made public on September 21st in the 2nd part of the report. Notice the suspense and anticipation here. So you can go ahead and read the report and then wait for the 2nd part to see the sequel of the report.

Want to join the experiment? Join it, at least to see how Scot handles the game, even if you are not interested in Adsense. There are some cool marketing lessons here.